Sunday, January 2, 2011

I Resolve To...

Happy New Year. May you enjoy the birth of a new year and also know that you can resolve to make loving choices for your physical, emotional and spiritual growth in each moment you are alive. And to make grand gestures of loving kindness to all living beings. There is no need to wait for a specific date, you only need the impetus to know that your heart deeply desires to open more fully. That can happen after a seeming “negative experience” such as you yelling at someone you care about or after a “positive experience” where you felt loved and heard.

I’d like to share the resolutions I connect to each day so that I can infuse the spirit of love and light in all that I am and all that I do. These are not 2011 New Year’s Resolutions, these are lifetime commitments that require attention and persistence in each moment. I may steer off course regularly yet I know that I will always come back to these guiding principles. I trust that in time that I will naturally take fewer detours.

I resolve to:
• clear away anything that blocks the love and light inside of me
• love, accept and offer compassion to my fellow humans as I focus on the Divine within them
• treat all sentient beings and our glorious planet with love, care and respect
• have complete faith and trust that my God-given wisdom is always unfolding perfectly for my highest good
• live with integrity, accept myself unconditionally and honor all of my experiences
• embody the highest expression of myself in each moment
• be at peace within and with the world around me
• burn so brightly that I ignite others

My deepest wish for you is that you take an honest appraisal of who you want to be in the world and resolve to step forward in that image. Not just in January 2011 – throughout the year and beyond.

May 2011 be the year where you resolve to give more than you receive and in turn receive more love, joy, peace and abundance than you think your heart can hold.

Sending you love and light,