Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Miracle at Walmart

I feel called to share an experience my sister had a few weeks back. It really touched me as she handled this situation very differently than she would have in the past. She may not have realized how big a deal it was but I did.

She went to Walmart to purchase a High Definition connection cable for her new TV. The product she selected and brought up to the cash register was $44. No price was scanning so the young man behind the register asked an associate standing near by how much the item was and she said $10. My sister knew the price and couldn’t pay that very discounted amount as it didn't feel "clean" to her. Before she could stop herself, she blurted out that the price was actually $44. The people waiting in line (as well as the young man) looked at her like she was crazy not to accept the $10 price. The young man get a price check and said that the cable was $35. My sister paid the $35 and felt the peace that comes along with being true to ourselves and our deepest values. And she came home to write me about her experience as she knew I would understand and fully support her choice to be in integrity.

Why did I share this story and how does this relate to love and kindness? Well anything we do to shift our thinking and clear away behaviors that prevents us from living the highest expression of ourselves opens up space for our natural state of giving and receiving love. If my sister had paid $10 for the cable and left the store feeling like she had gotten away with something that may have created some inner criticism. When we get caught up in our heads with self-judgments we cannot be fully present and open to who we encounter and what is going on in our lives.

This story is personally meaningful for me as I have been living an inner-guided life for awhile now and my decisions often look very “pollyannaesque” and somewhat extreme to others. My sister on a number of occasions has commented on my “purity” in ways that showed she did not understand my intentions. It warms my heart and fills me with gratitude that we can now speak the same language.

May you experience the peace that comes from making choices for your highest good on a moment by moment basis.

Sending you love and light,

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